Return to Matte Numbers Grid

In the 1970s Raymond Matte published three bilingual booklets detailing his studies on the “2¢ Red Geo V 1912 Admiral”. He states that he inspected approximately 2,000,000 stamps starting in 1952.

I was fortunate to be able to purchase this collection while it was still ‘reasonably’ intact and believe that the material still available warrants additional study.

This site is, of necessity, very simple. It shows quality scans of stamps from Mr. Matte’s collection that were carefully identified using his number system. This will allow today’s collectors who may own copies of his books to use technology not available to Mr. Matte over 35 years ago to see exactly what he was trying to indicate in his diagrams.

His numbering system addressed various areas of the stamp design where he found varieties - Re-entries, Retouches and other Constant Plate Varieties.

1 - Overall Re-entries
100 - Right Numeral Box
200 - Left Numeral Box
300 - Right and Left Numeral Boxes
400 - Right Frame
500 - Left Frame
600 - Top and Bottom Frames
700 - Re-entries in CANADA POSTAGE
800 - Constant Varieties


As additional information becomes available to me, I hope to update the site to include Marler Types, early known dates and, ideally, Plate Positions of the various varieties.

At this point (Oct. 2017) it might be wise not to depend on the accuracy of the information in the “Fluorescent - Yes/No” boxes. My work here was a bit ‘questionable’ and needs to be revisited.

Should you be able to offer additional data, feel free to contact me. Notes referring to Matte Numbers/Scan of better examples, dates (which help greatly with the identification of Marler Types) etc. would all be appreciated.

Remove the spaces: w g b u r d e n @ g m a i l . c o m