"The other re-entries on the plates of this group are of only minor importance. They affect the bottom of the portrait oval and the letters of TWO CENTS: the doubling is very slight and affects the top of the letters or some of them and sometimes the top line of one or both of the numeral boxes. They have not sufficient individuality to warrant being described separately…"
"The retouching of these plates is so extensive that a description of the retouches would be both tedious and useless…"
Marler "found no retouches on Plate 5 but observed that on Plate 6 the vertical line of both boxes had been retouched in every subject except the FOLLOWING: UL72 and 73; UR6 and 27; LL44. 80 and 90; and LR9; in some of these subjects the retouched line extends above the top of the box."