Marler's 3¢ Brown Sheet Types

Type 1: "The right side of the frame is rough, and the lower left frame junction line and the vertical line of the left numeral box are strong and unbroken"



Type 2: "The right side of the frame is rough above and below the centre and the lower left frame junction line and the vertical line of the left numeral box are unbroken"


Type 3: "The right side of the frame is rough and the vertical line of the left numeral box is unbroken, but the lower left frame junction line is weak between the top and line 1 of the spandrel"


Type 4: "The right side of the frame is rough, the lower left frame junction line is very weak between the top of the spandrel and line 1, and the vertical line of the left numeral box is weak or broken at the top"



Type 5: "The right side of the frame is rough, the lower left frame junction line is wry weak between the top of the spandrel and line 1, and the vertical line of the left numeral box is weak or broken at the top, the centre and the bottom"


Type 6: "The left crown is broken; the lower left frame junction line is weak or broken between the top of the spandrel and line 1, and the vertical line of the left numeral box is fine"

Type 6A: "The vertical line in the upper left and lower left and part of the oval line between the left crown and leaf 4 in the lower left has been retouched"


Type 8: "The lower left frame junction line is unbroken but there are three breaks in the vertical line of the left numeral box"


Type 9: "The lower left frame junction line is fine and unbroken, and the vertical line of the left numeral box is of medium width and is either (i) unbroken, or (ii) broken in two places near the bottom"



Type 11: "The frame is marked by a number of white diagonal lines"


Type 12: "The frame is marked by a number of white diagonal lines"

Type 14: "The right half of the top of the frame is serrated, and there are white diagonal lines in the frame opposite AG"


Type 15: "The lower left frame junction line and the vertical line in the upper right are unbroken; there is a narrow break at the bottom of the vertical line of the left numeral box"

Type 16: "The lower left frame junction line is weak between the top of the spandrel and line 1; the vertical line of the left numeral box and the vertical line in the upper right are unbroken"


Type 17: " The lower left frame junction line and the vertical line of the left numeral box are unbroken; the vertical line in the upper right is broken between lines 3 and 4"

Plate 66 shows over a dozen retouches to the vertical line in the lower left - to be listed later.

Type 18: "The lower left frame junction line, the vertical line of the left numeral box and the vertical line in the upper right are all unbroken The vertical line in the lower left was strong and in some cases could have been retouched"

There are retouches listed from Plate 93 which may be added later.

Type 19: "The lower left frame junction line is unbroken; the vertical line of the left numeral box is broken at the top"



Type 20: "The lower left frame junction line is fine between the top of the spandrel and line 1; the vertical line of the left numeral box has a wide break at the bottom and a second break just above the first"


Type 22: "The top line in the upper right is broken above S and there is a dent in the top of the frame about 2.5 mm from the upper right corner"


Type 23: "The lower left frame junction line and the vertical line of the left numeral box are unbroken; the vertical line in the upper right is broken between lines 2 and 3"

Type 24A: "The THREE CENTS Brown printed by the dry process, may readily be identified, not only by the crispness of the impression but also by the slightly greater width of the stamps, 18.0 mm instead of 17.5 to 17.75 mm. "
