Thank you to each and all of the following:

  • George C. Marler PC, BCL, LLD

    George C. Marler

    It would be a serious injustice to not, first of all, acknowledge the wonderful work of the late George C. Marler. Without his amazing studies of the Admiral issue and his incredible efforts at documenting his observations with the Plate Proofs, this effort would be impossible.

  • Leopold Beaudet

    Leopold Beaudet

    Leo has served as editor of "The Admiral's Log" (the newsletter of the BNAPS Admiral Study Group) since 2001. Anyone who has read a single issue will be well aware of Leo's contributions. Leo has been very encouraging to the growth of my interest in the Admiral issue and has provided knowledge and insight on a regular basis. Probably more than any other, Leo has guided and informed my Admiral experience.

    As of this writing there have been over 130 emails between us; many have multiple threads. Leo checks my work, provides suggestions and encouragement and provides more than geneorus "credit" when I offer even a little insight to joint articles.

    A few yeas ago, I had the opportunity to spend a day with Leo in the Public Archives. That day allowed me to answer a few small questions and raised many more. That wonderful experience provided the fountation which has grown into the reason for wanting to build this site.

    It is probably fair to say that without Leo's generous donations of time and insight, this web site would be focused on Canada's Small Queens.

  • Randall Van Someren

    Randall Van Someren

    I "met" Randy via "The Admiral's Log" and through correspondance with Leo. Randy is a keen student of the Admiral issue who frequently shares his impressive work and discoveries with the philatelic community. When he recogized my budding interest, he helped me assemble a used set of Marler design types - something that has become invaluable to my attempts at plating Admiral varieties.

    The June 2018 issue of the Admiral's Log included the book, The Colours and Shades of Canada's Admiral Stamps, by Randall W. Van Someren. This book was provided to all study group members without cost. In the same issue, Randy outlined his case to assign a 1¢ green Admiral as the only example of a "Double Transfer, One Inverted" in Canadian Philately.

  • Robert Brown

    Robert Brown

    It was a stroke of good luck combined with the kind motivation of a mutual friend that I was introduced to Bob. He is the long time owner of the "Marler Collection" who has very gererously allowed me to study and scan that collection. Anyone who finds the information on this site useful owes a great big "Thank You!" to Bob.

    When you notice a "RB/GM" under a stamp image, you are being reminded that Bob's desire to share Marler's work with the philatelic community made this identification possible. This generosity has also removed a lot of "Q"s from my tentative plate identifications and confirmed many more.

  • American Philatelic Society (The APS published "The Admiral Issue of Canada")

    Special thanks to Thomas Loebig of the APS who facilitated permission for me to quote "Marler" so heavily.

    Visit the APS or the APS Library

  • Friends, Dealers etc.

    There are dozens of friends, fellow collectors and dealers, who have provided invaluable advice, assistance and opportunities over the years. However, I would be remiss if I did not mention Gary Lyon. We met early in his philatelic career. He was attentive and generous with his help in building my collection(s). Over the years we developed a mutual respect that was strong enough for me to retire from teaching, sell my stamp business, sell my house in Truro and move to Bathurst. Working with Gary, Yohann and the rest of the staff at Eastern Auctions for nine years was an incredible opportunity for which I will always be grateful.

  • Disclaimer

    During the production of this site, I have used OCR and other methods to facilitate the 'copying' of Mr. Marler's text. This process is not perfect (at least, not in my hands). Any "transcription" errors are mine, and mine alone. Hopefully they will be significantly reduced as users of the site find and report them to me.

    An email to me with a link to the page(s) with errors would be greatly appreciated.

    Thank you for your understanding.